domenica 14 giugno 2015

1989 (#15) - The charity gala on the Queen Mary

The bitter rivals of the fashion world, Sally and Stephanie, have never been good friends; on the contrary, they have always been opposites and in competition, in a constant struggle to bring each other down. But Sally and Stephanie, who have known each other all their lives, have always been consistent on one thing: mutual respect. And determined for once to collaborate on a joint project that could set an example for many fashion houses and many people in their field, the two decide to unite their efforts for a common cause: a charity fashion show whose proceeds will be entirely donated to the fight against pediatric diseases. Having been a member of the executive committee of the Children's Medical Centre foundation for many years, Stephanie convinces Sally to join as well. Struck by the misfortune and pain of so many children and families who struggle daily with illness, Sally decides to make a huge donation to the foundation through a magnificent event aboard the historic Queen Mary ship, to be organized with Stephanie's own Forrester. Initially, the committee in charge of the foundation, called to approve and coordinate the charity projects of the children's hospital, seems skeptical to the idea of combining scientific and medical research with a fashion show; but soon both Lee Brittingham and Hope Donnelly, pushed by the committee's president Betty Burns, a great friend of Stephnanie's, change their minds and are convinced of the goodness of the project.

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