giovedì 16 aprile 2015

1987 (#17) - Bill's meddling and Margot's attempts to seduce Ridge

Concerned by Caroline's second thoughts and determined to make sure that his daughter doesn't repeat her mistakes by getting back with Ridge, Bill decides to exploit his confidence with Margot to convince her to seduce his former flame Ridge in order to get him away from Caroline for good. However, every attempt by the woman, who has now put aside her feelings for Eric, seem in vain; indeed, they only bring Caroline closer to Ridge, who even manages to snatch a kiss from her. And even an invitation from Ridge to accompany him to Switzerland for a series of business meetings, which leads both Bill and Margot to believe that they are on the verge of achieving their goals, turns out to be nothing more than a simple attempt by Ridge to make it clear that there can never be anything between them and to find out if this sudden interest of the woman's was genuine or was instead engineered by someone else to keep him away from Caroline. Realizing the failure of this move, and fearing that Ridge might suspect and discover his role in this attempt at seduction by Margot, Bill has no choice but to abort this plan of his, but swears to himself that he would never, ever allow Ridge to take his daughter away from him.

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