mercoledì 8 aprile 2015

1987 (#9) - Katie's insecurity, the story with Rocco and the attraction for Donna

While everyone seems concerned and busy with much more important matters, Katie Logan, the youngest of the Logan sisters, is barely more than a teenager; and for her, the most terrible and tragic thing that can happen to a person is to find herself dealing with acne. Concerned by the girl's introverted soul and shy character, Storm soon realizes that Katie is living a very delicate period of her life, the one in which she is about to become a woman. Eager to help her sweep away the insecurity that distinguishes her, he urges his older sister, Donna, to let her go out, have fun and enjoy herself. As awkward as she is, Donna soon realizes that Katie's real problem is the lack of a boyfriend next to her, and so she encourages her schoolmate Rocco Carner to date her sister, convinced that something might happen between them. When Rocco and Katie actually begin dating, however, Donna can't imagine that Rocco, who is secretly attracted to her, has only accepted because he hopes, in some way, to be able to impress her. And so, while an unsuspecting Katie begins to regain her smile and self-confidence thanks to this first real love story, Rocco never stops fantasizing about Donna, with whom he soon falls in love. Soon, when Donna begins to feel that Rocco seems to be able to have an attraction for her, it is already too late and he decides to work up the courage to declare himself to the girl. Donna, however, while appreciating the boy and finding him very sweet and kind, immediately makes it clear that there can never be anything between them, both because she is already engaged to a boy named Mark Mallory, and because she could never hurt her sister, who is now completely crazy about him, in this way. But even though Donna urges Rocco to concentrate on Katie and make her happy, he can't stop thinking about her.

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