martedì 7 aprile 2015

1987 (#8) - The conflict between Stephanie and Kristen, the attempt with Clarke

Returned on the occasion of the marriage gone up in smoke between Ridge and Caroline, as we know Kristen decides not to leave for New York to resume her life in Los Angeles. At the base of this decision is not only the recent breakup with Chuck Timberlake, what was for a short time her boyfriend, but also and above all the desire to please and see happy her father Eric, who for years hoped for a return of his daughter. What Kristen, does not know, however, is that it was actually Stephanie to press her husband to convince her to stay, since she feels that the time has come to address and resolve the misunderstandings for too long unresolved in their relationship. Between Kristen and Stephanie, after all, there has never been great harmony, and Kristen's decision to leave for New York was precisely caused by this situation. Always jealous of her special relationship between Eric and her daughter, Katherine has never hidden a kind of dislike towards her daughter, who in turn has always pushed away any attempt at reconciliation by her mother. This time, however, things seem to be different, and both agree to try to put aside the hatchet. Despite this, Katherine doesn't seem to have changed at all in her attitudes so hated by Kristen, such as always wanting to be in control of the situation and manipulating those around her. And the denial doesn't happen even now, since Stephanie immediately begins to worry about finding a boyfriend for her daughter, which perhaps would lead her to detach herself a bit from Eric and, at the same time, help her to overcome what Stephanie believes is a problem of her daughter, frigidity. In fact, the excessive attachment to her father has caused, over the years, a kind of psychological block in Kristen, who can not be comfortable and find intimacy with men. To confirm her thesis, and solve the problem, Stephanie decides to contact a professional gigolo who can seduce her daughter: Clarke Garrison.

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