domenica 10 maggio 2015

1988 (#11) - The wedding at Las Vegas with Kristen and the hiring of Clarke

Unaware of Clarke's affairs with Margot, Kristen is more in love than ever with the man and convinced that he is the man of her life. On the other hand, Clarke arouses in her an irresistible charm, capable of making her feel loved and important. And beyond his professional ambitions or innate weakness for women, which led him for years to live as a gigolo, it is undeniable that Clarke, in its own way, has genuine feelings for Kristen, the only woman who can really make him feel good and, in a sense, to make him straight. And so, when Kristen began to fantasize about their marriage, Clarke did not think twice and, letting guide his instincts, surprised Kristen proposing, immediately, to become his wife. Completely overwhelmed by the proposal, Kristen decided to follow her heart, accepting the proposal and embarking with Clarke on the first flight to Las Vegas, and here, in a ceremony as fast as sumptuous presided over by a justice of the peace with obvious hurry to return to satisfy his obvious addiction to gambling, Clarke and Kristen declare eternal love. And they do it away from everyone, with no one to see them except two witnesses accustomed for years to sign marriage agreements of all kinds, but Kristen and Clarke do not care, they are perfectly fine with that: for them the only thing that matters is to become the life of the other. A few days later, back in Los Angeles, Kristen and Clarke finally dropped the bombshell, announcing to the Forrester family, stunned as ever, that they had now become husband and wife. Horrified and embittered by this news is Stephanie, bitterly regretted to have thrown in the arms of Kristen a devious and manipulative man like Clarke, however, Eric does not think the same way, and although, does not hide his concerns about the choice to marry away from them all and without having planned things, it shows happy for his daughter and his future son-in-law. Future son-in-law who, immediately as a wedding gift the dream of a lifetime: a job at Forrester. Convinced by Kristen, as well as by his undoubted talent, Eric decides to offer Clarke the role of stylist at Forrester, also because of the need to make up for the absence of Ridge, still struggling with his rehabilitation following his injury. A choice, this, criticized by Stephanie and Ridge himself, who warns again the hated Clarke to be watched and not even try to make false steps and to make Kristen suffer.

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