lunedì 11 maggio 2015

1988 (#12) - Donna's photo shoot and the story with Nick

After her troubled and exhausting affair with Mark, Donna is ready to start a new chapter in her life, dedicating herself body and soul to her greatest desire, that of becoming a model. Urgently in need of money, strengthened by the words of their last meeting, Donna decides to turn to Tommy, who immediately finds her an easy money opportunity by finding her an assignment and sending her to one of his wealthy clients. However, a naïve Donna soon realizes that what was supposed to be a photo shoot actually turns out to be an appointment with a man who thinks he is dealing with a prostitute; and it is only the intervention of Rocco, who had agreed to accompany her, that prevents the man from taking advantage of her. In spite of this more or less obvious misunderstanding and Rocco's constant warnings to stay away from people like Tommy, Donna continues to frequent Tommy's agency, which tries to regain her trust by sending her to less demanding clients. Donna, in fact, finally begins to really work as a model for important clothing houses and glossy magazines, starting to get her first earnings. And when the woman begins to find more confidence with the lens of a camera, Tommy returns again to push the accelerator prospecting easy and much more substantial gains if only he had agreed to pose naked. This time, against all expectations and surprising the man himself, Donna accepts, and thus meets Nick Preston, a young photographer at the head of one of the most important magazines in the industry, Temptation. Nick, after viewing some photos of Donna's audition in provocative clothes, is strongly impressed and immediately refers the girl to his boss and owner of the magazine, Bill Spencer. Before signing the contract, Donna would like to make the acquaintance and talk in person with the same Bill, who however is always too busy to receive the many models that pass around him. And so, with no intention of letting Donna go, convinced that she could have improved the magazine's fortunes by bringing it back to great sales, Nick reassures her that her photos would not have appeared in America, but only overseas on his European version of Temptation, moreover under the false name and pseudonym of "Savannah". Convinced by the man's words, and excited to embark on this adventure which was to be very successful and rewarding, Donna signed the contract with great enthusiasm. This was the beginning of a period full of commitments and satisfactions for Donna, always travelling between ateliers and breathtaking sets and always together with Nick, with whom she worked closely. Rocco, however, is not at all happy about Donna's work, and he doesn't hide his jealousy and doesn't fail to warn her about this world. In spite of this, however, Donna seems to have found her ideal working dimension, moreover, side by side with a Nick to whom Donna feels more and more attracted. Between the two, soon, a relationship made of love and, above all, passion is born.

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