lunedì 1 giugno 2015

1989 (#2) - Clarke's efforts and agreement with Sally on Forrester Originals models

When an excited Kristen tells Ridge about the dream home Clarke was purchasing for them, a skeptical Ridge appears very dubious about the man's plans. And indeed, Ridge's suspicions turn to reality when Kristen herself learns from the builders of their supposed home that they don't even know who Clarke is. Enraged and still reeling from realizing how Clarke lied to her, Kristen lashes out at her friend Margot, who expresses much empathy for the woman while being careful not to let her relationship with Clarke leak out. In the meantime, Clarke himself, increasingly pressured by Margot's demands for money and stressed by the fact that he must resolve the matter as soon as possible, turns to his old boss, Sally Spectra, to ask for a loan. Sally, owner of Spectra Fashion, a fashion house that has always been a rival of Forrester's, against which it has always struggled in terms of turnover and visibility, has agreed to lend Clarke the money to pay Margot, but on one condition: in exchange, Clarke must secretly turn over to her the designs of six Forrester Originals models in order to resell them as her own. But Clarke's efforts, forced to accept the deal and jeopardize his job at Forrester Creations, soon prove futile when a disappointed and enraged Kristen throws the truth in Clarke's face, that the purchase of their home is a complete lie. At this point Clarke, tired of lying, having no other choice confesses to Kristen the whole truth about his night with Margot and his paternity of Mark. Upset and shocked by the words of her husband, Kristen is furious with him throwing all kinds of insults. However later, with a cool head, Kristen comes to the conclusion that she doesn't want to end her marriage to Clarke and give him a second chance, not before confronting what she considered to be her friend, Margot, and intimating her to get out of their lives. No longer in need of money, a relieved Clarke meanwhile returns to Sally to inform her that the deal is off; however, the woman is not of the same opinion at all, showing Clarke a videotape with the recording of their agreement ready to be sent to Eric. Panicked to be blackmailed again, this time by Sally, Clarke does everything he can to convince the woman that he'll commit himself to raising Spectra's image, even getting her to meet Stephanie; but it's all useless: Sally demands her designs and, if she doesn't, she'll make sure Clarke finds herself on the breadline. When Rocco catches Clarke snooping around Ridge's office on some of his sketches, the man realizes that he can't risk this way; and so, convinced of his possibilities, he decides to realize himself the models demanded by Sally, that once ready he immediately presented to the businesswoman. Sally's initial skepticism on the material viewed, passed off as some models designed by Eric himself, is soon disproved by Caroline, who declares herself pleasantly surprised by the new creative verve of Spectra, which thus earns a cover of the famous Eye on Fashion. This thrills Sally with happiness and makes Clarke breathe a big sigh of relief.

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