venerdì 3 aprile 2015

1987 (#3) - Ridge's debut as a stylist and the romantic story with Caroline

Ridge's dream is finally coming true. At Forrester Creations, preparations for the first fashion show of the season are in full swing, and for Ridge, the day he's been waiting for, the one he's been preparing for, for years, has finally arrived. For the first time, Ridge will be able to participate in the show as a designer, debuting his first, personal collection. It is also a day of great pride for the patriarch of the Eric family, who sees in Ridge his natural heir to the empire he has created. More on the sidelines, however, is Thorne, who has never had his brother's talent for designing clothes and who prefers to deal more with the organizational aspects of the show, such as the preparation of the sets and outfits. Ridge is a little disappointed when Eric, who prefers a fashion linked to classic and traditional values, decides to remove some of his clothes from the show's program as they are considered too provocative and excessively dirty; but to encourage the young Ridge there is Caroline, with whom he began a romantic love story a few months ago and who does not fail on this occasion to show her pride in him. As was to be expected, the fashion show was greatly appreciated and proved to be a magnificent launching pad towards success for the future talent of Forrester Creations. And to crown an unforgettable day for Ridge, arrives absolutely unexpected the marriage proposal to an excited Caroline, who, excited and incredulous to live a daydream, happily accepts to become the new Mrs. Forrester.

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